Log_in - sign in | Official solutions Login - sign in| in to the App with your email, SMS verification code, passcode and mobile number. Find out the possible causes and solutions for login issues and has become a go-to platform for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, offering a range of services from trading to staking. However, encountering login issues can be a frustrating experience. This guide aims to address common login problems and provide solutions to ensure a seamless experience on the platform.

Common Login Issues

1. Incorrect Password or Email

One of the most common issues is entering an incorrect password or email. Ensure that you are using the correct credentials. If in doubt, use the password recovery option to reset your password.

2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Troubles

If you have enabled 2FA and are having trouble receiving codes, double-check the time settings on your device. Time discrepancies can cause authentication issues. Alternatively, use backup codes if provided during the setup.

3. Account Locked or Restricted may temporarily lock or restrict accounts for security reasons. If you repeatedly attempt to log in with incorrect credentials, your account might be temporarily disabled. Contact support for assistance.

4. Browser Compatibility

Ensure that you are using a compatible browser and that it is up-to-date. Clearing cache and cookies can also resolve browser-related issues.

5. Network or VPN Issues

Poor network connectivity or using a VPN might cause login problems. Try switching to a different network or disabling your VPN to see if the issue persists.

Solutions for Login Issues

1. Password Recovery

If you suspect an issue with your password, use the "Forgot Password" option on the login page. Follow the instructions sent to your registered email to reset your password securely.

2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Check

Ensure that your 2FA settings are correctly configured. Double-check the time settings on your device and try using backup codes if available.

3. Account Verification

If your account is restricted, follow the account verification process outlined by This may involve providing additional documentation to verify your identity.

4. Browser Troubleshooting

Try logging in from a different browser to rule out browser compatibility issues. Clearing cache and cookies can also resolve potential browser-related problems.

5. Network Connection

Switch to a stable network connection. If using a VPN, disable it temporarily to see if it affects your login. Ensure that your internet connection is reliable.

6. Contact Support

If all else fails, reach out to's customer support. Provide them with detailed information about the issue, including any error messages received. They can offer personalized assistance to resolve your login problems.


Encountering login issues on can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can regain access to your account. By following the solutions outlined in this guide and reaching out to support when needed, you can ensure a smooth and secure login experience on the platform.

Last updated